Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cam's resolutions

1. Stay more focused in class
2. Try to make friends with younger kids

Nate's resolutions

1. Stop sucking my thumb
2. Stop getting hurt
3. Play more Mario Cart

Well, we can support the first two.

If you haven't been informed yet, Cam has his own blog at

Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And Happy New Year

It's New Year's Eve. Chris and Marci just left town after a whirlwind 3-day visit. The hustle of the holiday has settled down. Nathan is sitting next to me writing words on crackers with Easy Cheese. Camden is upstairs dreaming of tomorrow's aircraft designs.

A few of my resolutions:

Nurture Cam's interest in science and aviation; he'll be a pioneer some day.

Make Nathan laugh every day; his rascally wit is good for us all.

Ride my bike to work more days than I drive.

Oh, and keep trying to figure out what this blog is about.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's amazing what you find time to do when you get a few weeks off of work. I hope this blog helps keep us connected with our loved ones, who this year became more dispersed than ever. In fact, for the first time ever Albuquerque no longer feels to me like the family headquarters. It's a new and strange perspective. And I miss you all.

Where does "L is for peanut" come from? A couple of years ago we asked Nate what we should name our new soccer team. And out it popped. Now it's a blog too. And no one else, in all of blogdom, has ever come up with "L is for peanut" as a blog name, and so now it's ours. It is a blog mostly about our family and other loved ones.

So I'll keep this first post short. It's three days before Chrismas. I'm off of work. Michelle had surgery on her ankle two weeks ago and she's supposed to be off her feet for weeks to come. She's managing to stay upbeat. We're spending a lot of time at home. And we're having a blast. It's probably the first two weeks off this family has had together since Nate was a baby. Chris and Marci come into town on the 26th.